Skincare Picks That I Will Buy Over And Over Again

Woman looking at a pot of her skincare picks. The Skincare item is a pot of face cream.

You know those skincare products you use and they have a special place in your mind that you constantly think about when you aren’t using them, this is what I want to share. For instance, if I am trying out a new eye cream which is good but my mind still flicks back to that dreamy eye cream I fell in love with last year then I will pop it on my skincare picks list. I will always go back to these few products that agree with my skin as well as changing my skin for the better.

Khiels Turmeric and Cranberry Seed Mask

This really shows that trying samples of products really work from a business side because I had a sample of this facemask about 3 years ago. I haven’t got round to buying one yet it still remains in my mind as the best facemask I have ever used. It’s a gorgeous brightening mask that doesn’t dry out your skin. This is one of the only facemasks that I actually see the difference with after washing it off. Talking about washing it off, it doesn’t set too hard that you are scraping away at it but you can gently massage your skin as it has cranberry seeds that exfoliate your skin to reveal a brighter and fresher looking finish. 

Decleor Hydra Cream Gel

I bought two pots of the Hydra cream gel around five years ago yet it always remains in the forefront of my mind when I shop for a new moisturiser. The cream gel is the best formula of the range because it’s lightweight yet hydrates the skin instantly. I think they have reformulated it now so I’m excited to try it. It’s just funny how a product can make such a big difference to your life thats why It stays on my skincare picks list!

Guerlain Aberl Royal Serum

Guerlain’s skin care is something else; it just stands out from everyone else due to their thought process that goes into making every product. Their serum was something that stood out to me because it is made with honey and is more of an oil. Mix a couple drops of the serum with your foundation and it will transform your skin into a glowing goddess! It’s a serum that is higher in price but if you are going to invest in any part of your skincare then invest it in your serum as it works to the deeper layers of the skin so it will impact your skin more. 

Clinique Take The Day Off Balm

If you have used this product before then you will know that it’s a great cleanser that isn’t anything fancy. It’s a basic cleanser by looks but melts away your makeup in seconds, including waterproof products. It has no scent and is a plain colour but this is what I love about it as it does the job I want it to do so well without anything crazy and exotic. Another key factor that stands out for me is that it doesn’t leave that balmy texture afterwards that other cleansing balms do.

ARK Skincare Hand and Body Cream

I have to put these two products together on my skincare picks as they are both amazing. I have only been using this since the beginning of this year yet it already stands out from the others I have previously tried. The hand cream is a luxurious texture that isn’t sticky (which is a big thing for me!) but can be used to create a massage for your hands when they are tired and have more time. It’s really helped with my incredibly dry hands since washing them so often recently. The body cream is very similar and it not just hydrates the skin but helps with any texture by smoothing any rough areas such as on the backs of my arms and legs.

Decleor 1000 Grain Body Scrub

Often a body scrub is just something we use and not think about. I thought the same until I tried the Decleor one as the grains are really scrubby that I can feel my dead skin coming off. It has loads of hydrating oils in that hydrate and look after the new skin that is released. I now take time over my scrubbing which is quite a nice part of my day as I can feel all the old coming off and the new coming through.